Everyone has read the horror tales of drivers blindly following their GPS instructions into bad situations. To avoid being part of one of those stores, it's hard to beat a good paper map, and for researching your travel plans statewide, one of the best paper options is the Benchmark series of Road And Recreation Atlases.
The entire state is split into large print grids and includes a lot more than a street or road map - find details on forest roads, terrain topography, campgrounds, recreation sites, fishing info and a lot of hiking trails. the atlases are too big to carry in your pocket or backpack for a hike, but they are great for getting to the trailhead for a new area you want to explore.
At our store in Tempe, we carry the Benchmark Road and Recreation Atlas for several Southwest states along with many local and regional trail maps from National Geographic, Green Trails, and the National Forest Service. We also carry the
Delorme Atlas and Gazetteer - similar content but there are pros and cons to both so it's hard to say which is "better" - frequent campers, explorers and RVers often carry both.
We usually have these easy to read atlases for Arizona and all nearby states - Utah, Nevade, New Mexico, California and Colorado.