See all of our outdoor rental gear we can ship to you for your trip!
On your next trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park, escape the crowds of the lodges and enjoy the outdoors as it was meant to be - either camping in a nearby campground or backpacking into the wilderness. When you hire our backpacking or camping gear, you'll see how much money you can save by renting rather than buying. Rental of backpacking and camping gear for Lassen Volcanic National Park is easy; just click on the Rentals tab above to get started. You can rent tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, hydration gear, lights, SPOT GPS trackers - anything you need for a wonderful outdoor experience. We also have new gear for sale as well as any supplies and accessories you might need for your national park adventure.
We'll ship your rented outdoor equipment direct to your home before your trip, or to a convenient location inside the park or near the entrance to Lassen Volcanic National Park. On your way back home, just load the backpacking or camping gear back into the same box we shipped to you, use the prepaid return label, and drop off the rental gear at the most convenient shipping point used by our carrier - there will be many options in every city in the US.
Here's some information you may find useful before your trip:
Lassen Volcanic National Park is a United States National Park in northeastern California. The dominant feature of the park is Lassen Peak; the largest plug dome volcano in the world and the southern-most volcano in the Cascade Range. Lassen Volcanic National Park started as two separate national monuments designated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1907: Cinder Cone National Monument and Lassen Peak National Monument.
In many places within Lassen Volcanic National Park there may not be any cell phone service. To stay in touch with friends and family no matter where you travel, consider renting one of our InReach Satellite Communicators.
The source of heat for volcanism in the Lassen area is subduction off the Northern California coast of the Gorda Plate diving below the North American Plate. The area surrounding Lassen Peak is still active with boiling mud pots, stinking fumaroles, and churning hot springs. Lassen Volcanic National Park is one of the few areas in the world where all four types of volcano can be found (plug dome, shield, cinder cone, and strato).
If you are interested in renting gear for camping or backpacking in or around any national park, just give us a call at (480-348-8917) or browse our rental gear above.
A large lodge (the Lassen Chalet) with concession facilities formerly was located near the south-west entrance, but was demolished in 2005. A new, full-service visitor center was constructed in the same location, and opened to the public in 2008. Near the old lodge location was also located Lassen Ski Area, which ceased operation in 1992; all infrastructure has been removed.
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