If you are doing research before joining the more than 80,000 customers that have rented our camping and travel gear, or have already received your camping gear rental package from us, here's the page to learn a bit more about how to operate a specific camping or travel gear item before you head out on your big adventure.

The information below provides more details on how to use the cooking pot set we rent, but feel free to give us a call or find more resources online if more details are needed. For more information on this rental item including rates, check out the main product page at Rent Cookware - Cook-Sets and Stainless Steel Pots. Good news is there isn't anything special about using cooking gear in the wilderness; if you can cook at home, you'll master these posts as well!  There are more how-to pages on nearly all of our most popular rental items; find most at our video and user guide to rentals main page .

The cooking pot set we rent comprises 2 stainless steel pots with a lockable lid.  One pot has about a 1 quart capacity; the other about a half quart.  

cooking gear for rent

The lids help capture heat for whatever you are cooking, so for example if boiling water for a dehydrated meal, you will save some fuel and time by keeping the lid on while heating.  These pots are best heated using a camping stove, not an open fire.  Baked-on creosote and soot from an open fire will result in additional cleaning charges.

rent cooking pots and pans

You will want to be careful using the larger pot on a narrow-base backpacking stove like this one in the picture below.  Don't overfill the pot, and make sure the stove base is as level as possible.

rent backpacking cooking pot sets

Here is an overview video about some of our cooking gear rental options