Latest on our operating status

Published : 2020-04-01 10:00:02
Categories : LowerGear Outdoors News

Is this weird or what?  So like everybody else, we're dealing with this on a day-by-day, week-by-week basis.  What sounds like a good idea today might change tomorrow.  We're just one small piece of things, but we're here to help you get outdoors on the trail or water.  Availability of rentals for shipping or pickup/dropoff are never an issue, so place any order as normal.  We'll keep things posted here as our hours and circumstances change for our retail store.  

There's probably no safer place than getting outdoors on a backpacking or camping trip.  Just catching some beneficial sun on a day hike is probably better than hunkering down at home, and a lot more fun.  You can place any outdoor gear rental order starting here -; we can ship it to you or you can mark it for local pickup and we'll assist with any custom arrangements for pickup.  

Let us know how if we can help keep you sane in these crazy times!

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