See the camping and backpacking gear for rent and sale that we can deliver to your home or destination for your next outdoors trip!
Lowergear Outdoors, based in Tempe, AZ, is also the world's largest online outdoor gear and GPS navigation rental company. We rent all the camping gear basics such as tents and backpacks; hard to find rental gear like water filters & trekking poles; handheld GPS units for trail use and geocaching events; car navigation units; and satellite personal rescue devices. See one of our most popular Camping gear items. At our retail store, we specialize in ultralight, but practical backpacking and camping gear - sales of new and used as well as a full hire and rental department.
We will ship your rented outdoor gear to your home, arriving city, near a national park or anywhere else you designate. It's a convenient way to have access to great quality outdoor gear and accessories without the expense of buying. Just order far enough in advance to allow for a few days of transit time. Note that you are not charged rent during these transit days. We can get your Rent Camping gear to you anywhere in the US in 5 business days or less via Ground service. Use the rented gear, enjoy it, re-box it and drop it off at a nearby UPS Store or other UPS authorized shipping center.
If you need some advice in planning for your next camping trip, stop by our store or give us a call at (480) 348-8917. If you're up for some reading, research our many helpful articles on Camping gear and the outdoors at your convenience.
We follow a ship-and-return model for hiring of our camping equipment - like Netflix used to do with DVD's for example. For more specific information, see our gear rental shipping policies .