See all of the camping rental gear we can deliver to you for your next camping trip at your local state park!
Some of the state parks in Washington offer convenient, nearby camping. If you don’t have all the gear you need for your camping trip to , rent our camping gear online and have it delivered right to your home or convenient pickup point along the way. When you rent our backpacking or camping gear, you are getting a lot better quality than buying at the local big-box retail store, and, you will save money as well. Rental of outdoor gear for a night or two at Blake Island State Park is easy; just click on the “Rent Online” tab above to get started. You can rent camping tents, sleeping gear, lanterns, GPS Trackers, backpacks, cooking gear – everything you need for a great outdoor experience. We also have new gear for sale as well as any accessories or supplies you could use for your next trip into your favorite state park.
We’ll ship your rented outdoor equipment direct to your home before your trip, or to a convenient location near the entrance to . On your way back home, just load the rented backpacking and camping gear back into the same box we shipped to you, use the prepaid return label, and drop off the rental at one of our carrier’s shipping points.
Here’s some information you may find useful before your trip (sourced from Wikipedia and other research):
Blake Island is a Puget Sound island in Kitsap County, Washington, United States, that is preserved as Blake Island Marine State Park. The island lies north of Vashon Island, south of Bainbridge Island, and east of Manchester. On the northeast end of the island is Tillicum Village, a showcase for Northwest Coast Indian arts, culture, and food. The park is managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.
If you are a first-time camper, an overnight trip into Blake Island State Park is a great way to get started – it’s probably close by, and the staff is used to advising families out on their first trip. We make it easy to rent gear as well if you are aren’t sure what to take – check out
our camping gear packages for easy shopping. Just add food and water!
Blake Island was used as a camping ground by the Suquamish tribe. In about 1786, according to legend it was the birthplace of Chief Sealth, for whom the city of Seattle was named. The island was first noted by British explorer George Vancouver in 1792, as part of his exploration of Puget Sound, though it was not named. In 1841, Lt. Charles Wilkes of the United States Exploring Expedition named it Blake Island for George Smith Blake, the officer in charge of the United States Coast Survey between 1837 and 1848.
If you are interested in renting gear for camping or backpacking in or around any national or state park, just give us a call at 480-348-8917 or browse our rental gear above.
To learn more about this state park in Washington, visit at
their wiki web page .
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